Dr. Suzanne Livingston
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As we design futures, it is important we do so for ourselves, and not just the wider systems we are a part of.


In 2017 I completed the CTI core curriculum. This is a coaching approach which helps people be less hemmed by any one circumstance or environment. It helps them shape their context and themselves to best effect.

It involves a combination of open questions and committed actions. Like my consulting, it is also based on helping them imaginatively envision their own future.

It helps people become stronger leaders – of themselves, for others, through knowing much more about their strengths and weaknesses and how to work with what they have and want to build.

I completed this training as an extension of my time as Head of Strategy at Wolff Olins, when I was guiding the career choices and development of around 20 strategists.

My intention has been to ensure people at work are not overwhelmed by the processes and culture around them (and are therefore not wheels in the machine), but can draw on themselves and their environment in the most positive way.

I coach individuals privately and within organisations as part of bigger assignments.

Suzanne will see your potential in ways that you can’t, or won’t. Without ever resorting to trite advice or motivational jargon, she’ll help you build a robust sense of who you are and what you could be doing (without it ever feeling like’ should’). Everyone I know who has spent time with Suzanne has transformed their life for the better
— Paddy, environmental strategist